Bitter cold, your breathe looking like a billow of cigar smoke, stars in the sky and the flavor of strong coffee. Typical observations after a 3:30am alarm to head out...
With the recent buzz about Mirrorless cameras going even further in to mainstream, I did what every professional photographer does, I asked myself "is it worth it to switch?" This...
To schedule a photo shoot in the Napa Valley or Sonoma County, you can email me directly at: [email protected] or call (707) 363 - 2489. You can also view my...
To schedule a photo shoot in the Napa Valley, you can email me directly at: [email protected] or call (707) 363 - 2489. You can also view my portfolio of wine...
To schedule a photo shoot in the Napa Valley, you can email me directly at: [email protected] or call (707) 363 - 2489. You can also view my portfolio of wine...